To be eligible, both players must have a PTI of 65 or higher and the combined PTI must be less than 150.
Entry Selection
All teams will register on the waitlist. Once eligibility is confirmed, teams will be notified and moved off the waitlist and into the tournament.
Event Details
Entry fee includes light breakfast, lunch, favor and afternoon bar.
Eligibility Requirements
In order to be eligible to participate in Team or PTI Nationals, a player's PTI history must have at least 8 rated matches within the last twelve months. Those players who have fewer than 8 rated matches in the last twelve months may request an exception from the PTI Nationals committee.
All players may pick one item up to $30.00 that is a part of the entry fee. Players may upgrade their favor or select multiple options and pay for additions themselves. All orders must be placed by Feb 12th. After this date, all orders placed will incur a shipping fee to individual homes. SELECT YOUR FAVOR HERE
APTA Membership
All players must be APTA members, and membership must be purchased before entry.
Official APTA rules will govern play.
Additional Details
Please contact Jess at 412-606-5295 for hotels and restaurants in the area.